Merit Based Scholarships

Dear Parents and Students,

这封信包含了有关正规的棋牌平台排行榜学生可获得的择优奖学金的重要信息. 这些奖学金是竞争性的,不以经济需要为基础. 申请将由一个由青年主任组成的个人小组与我们在该地区的合作教会一起审查, Deacons, 牧师以及其他与正规的棋牌平台排行榜有关的社区伙伴. 所有接受者都是通过客观和匿名的过程选出的. 请鼓励你的学生申请这些基于成绩的奖学金.


Who may apply?

接受2024年秋季入学的5-11年级在读学生. 申请人必须符合奖学金描述页面上列出的某些标准.

How do I apply?  


What is the application deadline?  

The deadline is April 15, 2024. All applications must be submitted online by the deadline date. *注意,一些奖学金申请需要推荐信. Letters may be emailed to or mailed to the school (Attn:  Matthew Hallaway).  

When will I know if I’ve received an award? 

Merit-based scholarships are awarded during Oak Grove’s Academic Convocation in May. 如果学生获得奖励,家长将提前收到通知.

We hope this information will be of help to your family. Please contact Matthew Hallaway by phone at
(701) 373-7152 or via email at with any questions you may have.


Matthew Hallaway

Chief Advancement Officer

701.373.7152 |



学术奖学金和竞争性奖学金是基于成绩,而不是经济需要. Current Oak Grove students, along with those accepted for fall admission, who meet scholarship criteria are encouraged to apply. Separate review panels will select award recipients. Scholarships will be awarded at Oak Grove’s Academic Honors Convocation at the end of May.

To apply for the following scholarships, note these instructions:

  • Complete the Scholarship Application online: Merit Based Scholarship Application
  • Respond 回答所有与你申请的奖学金相关的问题. Save your essay for each scholarship in its own document. Please title your file “Scholarship Name-Your Name”.
  • Do NOT include your name in the text of your essay. The title must include the scholarship name.
  • Upload your essay(s) (PDF or Word Document – .doc or .使用在线奖学金申请最后一页的文件上传器提交. Each scholarship has a separate file uploader, so be sure to upload your file(s) to the correct scholarship.


✧ The Gustav & Margarett Hektner Family Academic Excellence Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to students who have maintained a GPA of 3.50 在本学年或以上,并积极参与社区活动. Students entering grades 6-12 who meet the criteria may apply. Application process includes a written essay. (One $350 scholarship awarded per grade level.)

Application Requirements: 正规的棋牌平台排行榜的使命是“通过培养学生的学术成就来表达上帝的爱”, 终身的基督徒承诺和爱的服务遍及世界.” In 350 words or less, 你对学生对正规的棋牌平台排行榜路德教会学校使命的责任这个话题的感受是什么?


✧ The Lynn Benson Hjelmeland “School for Excellence” Scholarship

Scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman or sophomore. 受奖人必须积极参加教会青年团契、主日学、唱诗班、音乐事工或教学. 成功的候选人必须计划通过参加课外活动为正规的棋牌平台排行榜社区做出贡献. Scholarship criteria includes a minimum GPA of 3.25 or above and a written essay. (One $800 scholarship.)

Application Requirements: 写一篇350字以内的短文,回答以下问题:作为基督徒和学生,你计划如何为奥克格罗夫社区做出贡献?

✧ The Legreid Family Scholarship

奖学金颁发给目前进入8-12年级的正规的棋牌平台排行榜学生. Eligibility is limited to those who maintain a GPA of 3.50岁以上,积极参加课外活动. A short essay on extracurricular involvement is required. (Four $500 scholarships.)

Application Requirements: 提交一篇350字以内的短文,说明你是如何从参与课外活动中获益的, 以及为什么你觉得课外活动对正规的棋牌平台排行榜学校社区很重要.

✧ Thrivent Financial for Lutherans – Lutheran Leadership Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to students entering grades 9-12. Eligibility is based on the following criteria: Lutheran church membership; Demonstrated leadership; Cumulative GPA of 3.50 or above; Active participation in church, school, and community activities. 需要写一篇短文,说明申请人的目标和对未来的期望. (Two $500 scholarships.)

Application Requirements: 写一篇350字或更少的文章,说明你为自己设定的与成为正规的棋牌平台排行榜学生有关的目标? 另外,请列出你的长期目标,你希望在你的生活中做什么?

✧ The Arvid Berg Music Enrichment Scholarship

奖学金提供一年的私人声乐或器乐指导. 申请者必须是橡树园9-11年级的在校生,在橡树园接受过至少一年的私人音乐指导,并且表现出通过音乐丰富生活的强烈愿望. Application includes a written essay. (Two $450 scholarships.)

Application Requirements: In your own words, 请解释你希望从正规的棋牌平台排行榜路德教会学校的音乐体验中获得什么. 继续私人音乐教学对你的努力有什么帮助? How will you apply what you learn to your future endeavors? 包括成就、目标、障碍、挑战、优点和缺点,如果适用的话. (350 words or less)

✧ The Jens and Jeanne Tennefos Student Citizenship Scholarship

现在和即将进入橡树园的9-12年级的学生表现出模范公民的行为, such as serving as a class officer or student council representative, are invited to apply for this award. 该奖项旨在表彰参与正规的棋牌平台排行榜社区内外的学生. (Ten

$800 scholarships)

Application Requirements: 申请者必须提交一篇300字的短文,描述他们在学校学生领导中的角色, church, and/or community. 论文将通过个人参与的例子来评估对公民身份的理解. 该申请必须包括一封推荐信,由牧师或成人领袖谁不是在奥克格罗夫工作人员服务.

✧ The Jeff McKay Memorial Trap Shooting Club Scholarship

红河陷阱射击俱乐部是成立于2015年的501(c)(3)公共慈善机构,旨在为正规的棋牌平台排行榜陷阱团队提供可持续的年度资金. 奖学金将颁发给目前进入7-12年级的正规的棋牌平台排行榜陷阱团队成员. Cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above. Two $500 scholarships are awarded.

Application Requirements: 申请者必须提交一篇不超过350字的短文,描述飞碟射击运动对你生活的影响? What are the benefits to you as a participant? 作为一名正规的棋牌平台排行榜的学生和你所在社区的人,这项运动对你有什么帮助?

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